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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Walker Art Center

  There is a feeling unique to walking down a gradual staircase with a thousand wallpaper eyes staring at you as you travel into the "Disposal Facilities." Despite this creepy sensation, you are greeted with the perfect tread depth, my most favorable trait in any staircase. After seeing thought-provoking sculptures and videos of a McDonalds being flooded, you are most ready to use said facility. Even though the vile sludge treaded in by careless patron's boots, this is one of the most usable staircases I have set my feet on.

Ascendability: 9
Descendability: 9
Tread Depth: 10
Layout: 7
Excitement: 5
User Interface: 8
Upkeep: 6

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Science Museum of Minnesota

  I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Science Museum of Minnesota, which houses one of my favorite staircases that I've visited. I have been eagerly waiting to review this staircase ever since I started this blog. I highly recommend visiting this museum solely for this musical experience. So before I give you ratings, let me give you some insight on why this staircase is so special. This staircase plays a b flat scale with each step using a technology known as ADG. This technology is also used in The Science Museum of Boston.
Ascendibility: 8
Descendibility: 8
Tread Depth: 7
Layout: 10
Excitement: 10
User Interface: 9
Upkeep: 7